Did I think that sex education should be
introduced into the curriculum in schools? I thought it was necessary for kids
and young people to be taught about their bodies, to understand what was
appropriate or inappropriate for someone to do to them and what they should do
about it if it happened.
When OAP, Tobe asked me how early kids should be introduced to
this, I responded that as soon as a child can identify his/her sex or the child begins to
wonder at the differences in his body and mommy’s for instance, he should be
helped with age- appropriate information.
I was disgusted in my spirit as I saw
this 4year old learn habits he would not quickly forget and this 11year old do
things someone else had probably done to her, things she would pass down to
Lord-knows-how-many other small kids. And where would it end?
If we worry that telling a child about his sexuality would
expose him too much, then see what perverts in the person of house girls,
aunties e.t.c are lurking around, waiting to teach our kids, nieces, nephews
and neighbors’ kids. Odikwa very worrisome sumtin!
In other news, dressed in cobalt blue with a matching blue and white clutch, I attended Abuja’s quarterly fashion fair and
was impressed with all the creative fashentrepreneurs out there, and yes, fashentrepreneurs is a word in my
dictionary and you saw it here first! Lol!
I purchased a pair of the cutest earrings from Selara, a vintage mini mirror from entrade and stroke a pose
or two. This last one was with my fellow last born, Konrad!
Moving along, Metropole launched its preview edition at a venue
fitting for the top dignitaries in attendance. The Shehu Yar’adua centre was
bustling with life as the FCT minister, the special adviser to the president on
media, past senate presidents, DGs, ambassadors and top people in government
and the media came together to celebrate Abuja’s newest lifestyle and city
guide magazine. Dresscode was a touch of black, see the photos I took with Emeka and Bella.
That's all the catching up I can do right now, ciao! Read about my previous forays in radio here.